Britney Remix [BINGO/C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2020 21:41:44 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Foreign drinking? Foreign bars?! Heck yeah! A nightlife that Billi never once experienced in his hometown because he never had the time. Granted it wasn’t like he wasn’t ever invited, or never actually went to a bar. He had just never stayed long enough to enjoy himself. In a foreign place no one cared because no one would know who he was in person. That was the goal wasn’t it? To have a night where no one would care and you could enjoy yourself. And even if someone was preppy, which Billi was, they had a reason to wear something nice and look their best.

“You ready to go Rowap,” he asked the phone that vibrated and floated around him. Rotom buzzed as Billi pulled back his blonde hair and put on his black combat boots. “Rowap update my status to - going out for drinks, #blazin #party #hoenn- you know what add whatever hashtags make sense.” Billi grinned as he opened the door and left his pokemon home alone. “Be good guys, I’ll be back later tonight okay,” he left a couple snacks down low for them.

A bright neon sign caught his attention as he left the cab. “It’s such a big sign wowo, Rowap take a pic,” he gave a cheeky smile with a cowabunga bro hand sign, which was brutally ugly, but Rowap laughed until he slipped back into Billi’s pocket. I.D in hand he moved into the bar smiling brightly. “Ohhh so many people,” he pushed through the crowd and sat down next to someone trying to think of something fun to drink. “Oh I don’t drink,” he waved to the bartender, “Just aahhh,” he looked over to the person beside him, “Whatever their having.”

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the flurry
september 19
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mclaren mcflurry
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 4:57:05 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry wasn't -- wasn't sure what people usually did in bars. well, nowadays, at least.

back when she was younger, bars were sort of... well, hook-up places? in fiore, at least. just somewhere to find a date or a phone number or just dance around or on people. maybe take your shirt off. and other stuff off.

(it also happened to be that she got laid because of bar antics, but that's neither here nor there.)

but now she's thirty and not in fiore, and this bar just looks sort of... she really doesn't know how to explain it, even in her own head. just, not hook-up-y? more dancing-y. which, uh. she's not good at.

so she just quietly sipped her margarita, trying not to lick up the salt on the rim entirely. it -- it burned as it went down, and it did give her a little kick, but it wasn't -- wasn't anything to write home about.

but then the guy next to her ordered what she was ordering, and, uh, culturally, in fiore, that was -- that was sort of a pick-up line. well, in fall city, it was. she couldn't say the same about the rest of fiore, maybe.

"uh. hey. you sure you mc... want to start with a mcmargarita? might be a lil'... mm."

despite everything, mcflurry still had game. that much, she'd hold onto until she hit menopause.
● you fool! mcflurry's actually a proficient flirt

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 15:55:00 GMT
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Dense like a rock or more like mud? Honestly Billi didn’t even understand the idea that what he said was a flirtatious comment. He was far to stupid for that. Not that Billi really could argue with people who called him dumb, because he knew he was dumb. What could one expect from a sheltered bronks style boy. A mom that cared so much about his well being and, he himself, who got enveloped by his work and game life. It drained him of any real experiences, any real connections that he would come to desire as an adult.

The eye brows precariously raised as his thumb stood up like a hitch hiker looking for a ride to nevada. “Yeah! I don’t know what it is or anything on the menu! HAHA” the laugh was obnoxious and clearly a cover up for how anxious he was. Well….Not anxious but perhaps the more preferred term...AWKWARD. Yeah. For once the himbo was out of his element, looking for anything, something to fixate himself on so he didn’t look completely innocent and pure. After all adults had an image to sustain.

“A lil what?!” he pretended to be offended, “I can drink so much bro like...TWO BARRELLS A LOT” he taunted. Then the bartender rolled their eyes and slid the drink to Billi, who eye balled the other, before trying to show off and downed the whole thing in one go but clearly underestimated the drink and gagged from the strong after taste. “See it’s sooooooo goood” he lied as he held back, “What about you? You must love that drink,”

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 18:31:34 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑


he's dense.

honestly, mcflurry hadn't expected this. well, she kind of had, since there were a lot of people like that in bars, but. still, he was pretty smooth with that first line, so -- probably because he wasn't actually trying.

still, mcflurry was kinda into, uh. beefcakes. even if they were kinda dumb. so she'd probably at least try to shoot her shot a few more times. if it didn't work, then, well. at least she could say she tried.

"it's, uh. it'll m... get you, y'know."

mcflurry would usually use body language at this point, but, uh. she wasn't sure if that would work at this rate. so, instead, she just leaned a shoulder onto the counter, trying to keep herself in the blonde's general line of sight.

the sight of him gagging on a margarita after trying to down it in one go was pretty funny, though. so, a little tipsy, mcflurry let out a laugh, humming before sipping the tasty salt-rimmed glass again.

"mmmhm. mcbarrels. ...yeah."


"i like mc, margaritas, but you, ah, have to mcdrink them... er, slow. here, let me mc -- order you a nicer one."

after waving the bartender down, mcflurry proceeded to buy billi a screwdriver cocktail -- mostly oran juice with about an ounce of vodka. much more palatable for new drinkers.
● heh, get it? oran instead of orange

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 18:15:03 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Billi felt the powerful boom of the alcohol pooling in his guts. It was a show of power, courage, and most of all impulsively stupidity that not even time could erase. From the dawn of time Darwin foreshadowed the coming of people drinking to show off and giving into peer pressure. Why do you think TLC has so many tv shows? Billi could star in one of those and get three spin-offs just for his poor habits and drinking, like a nun. “Yeah I can drink SOOO much keep it coming!” he taunted.

Granted he didn’t pay much attention to the other who was trying to get him into something more….tolerable to a virgin drinker. Sure there were other things he had done in his life, but he was never going to be this powerhouse, even if he liked to pretend it. “Drink it slow?! Why would I do that?! Isn’t the point to get drunk.” he asked curiously as his but plopped down on the stool.

Luckily Billi was smart enough to wear clothes that fit snugly, but tailored correctly. He had avoided gaining any extra muscle, considering to do so he’d need a roid jabbed in his bum, and needles were scary, and he didn’t want his weiner to be a mini weiner. “Isn’t that was people do at bars? Get drunk and forget! Have fun? like...uhh” his virgin drinking came out like a nun flashing the audience. “Oh it’s cool!” he muscled and sipped at the drink. “Oh it’s YUMMY” his eyes lit up like a child.

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the flurry
september 19
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mclaren mcflurry
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 1:41:51 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry was starting to reconsider hitting on this guy. he seemed pretty... er. inexperienced? not that -- not that she can point fingers, but still, it felt a little wrong? she couldn't explain why.

however, she did the mental acrobatics of how this was still probably fine, and billi was hot, so mcflurry decided to at least try and stay friendly, even if he wasn't getting in her pants tonight.

...maybe in the future.


"y-yeah, you can -- you can mcdrink to forget, but, uh. it's less -- it's less mcfun. and you burn through your, uh, your mcwallet faster."

mcflurry sipped her drink a little more as billi enjoyed his screwdriver and discovered the joys of fruity drinks. well, hopefully, this helped him learn what to get at a bar.

though, she hummed. screwdrivers weren't really good for -- getting drunk off. and she supposed that maybe he really did want to get drunk, rather than drink good drinks. so...

"if you -- if you want to get mcdrunk fast, get, uh, get an ale. actually -- start mcmixing drinks. that usually mcdoes it."

mcflurry's dad mixed drinks a lot, and that usually knocked him out in less time than if he didn't. billi was of a similar build, so... well.

"what's, uh, what's your name? i'm mclaren mcflurry. it's mcnice to mcmeet you."
● just vibin

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 23:22:55 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Just how inexperienced was he? Well! His life was rich with love, and being kept happy. And working, all the time. So there was no time for fun, even if fun to him was working. Soda pop, doritos and other junk food kept him boppin with the gamer bros online on a twitch stream. While cooking and taking care of a younger sister took up the rest of his youth. Poverty was only glorified in video games where the underdog always won, but sadly in a world where stealing gets you put in jail, it’s not quite realistic.

So no, drinking wasn’t his number one thing on his list of experiences. That was why he had these listicals online that kept him occupied with what he wanted to do in his life. Drinking with a friend… well he didn’t have any friends in Hoenn yet, but this was close enough right? The girl besided him was more then friendly, and even...very tomboy….. Squirting…..or was it a boy? Yeah...boy?….non binary? Billi was so confused as his hulk hand poured the oran flavored drink down his throat.

“Mixing them? Well that seems like a lot to do just to drink. Can’t you just drink a lot and get even more drunkish!” granted he didn’t know what being drunk for himself was like, but he just figured it was a more enhanced less caring person. “do they have a fire type or something,” dense. Dumb. stupid. Billi was clearly not getting the words leaving the woman’s mouth besides the MC everything exiting her lips. “Oh...uhhhh McBilli,” he blurted out just confused by the others words.

“Why is there Mc on everything you say?” he asked genuinely.

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2020 5:43:04 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry wondered if this guy was already drunk, or if he was just like this. she decided to be nice and pay no mind to it, only chalking this particular interaction up to "no dice".

"i, uh. have a mcspeech impediment."

on second thought, though, maybe mixing drinks wasn't such a bad idea. so mcflurry decided to try compounding her hard drinks together like her dad used to.

soon enough, mcflurry was two out of three sheets to the wind and somewhat woozy on her seat, holding her body up through manual concentration.

but either way, billi was still there, so she -- she thought she'd humor him, in her drunken state.

"you're pretty -- pretty mcgood lookin', mcbilli. uh. but i don', i don't know if we really... mcvibe. if ya take me home, you -- you ain't mcgettin' my number."

mcflurry, what the fuck.
● just vibin

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 1:19:00 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Eyes wandered around in a blurry haze because he was a lightweight and the world just seemed to be caught up in his blurr. Naturally he didn’t really know which direction to look at or what to talk about, because he was just chatty about anything. Was there a purpose to his conversations, to his madness that was stirred by these shaken drinks. Fingers could barely find the glass that was already in his hand, pressed to his lips, both confused and concerned for himself as he didn’t even realize what beverages were being slammed into him, or that he was even ordering them.

“Oh….I...never that y-you know…” he mentioned as he spun in the stool that didn’t spin with him so it was like watching a punching back get dragged in a circle. The blue eyes glossy as he heard Mcflurry talk about going to his place. “Oh….my home.? I’m homeless” he meant it in the most drunken of ways. Technically he stayed in hotels, so his home wasn’t really home. “But….a BBIIIGGGG bed! Lots offff blankets! And Pillowwwwwwwwsss.” he slurred some and started making no sense. “Did see it?” did you want to see it, was what he meant to say by the brain plus alcohol didn’t function properly.

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 4:09:15 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry squinted, getting the gist of what he was saying, because she was getting pretty tipsy as well. well, at least he caught on -- by pure luck, but still.

but she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and she'd known more than a few frat boys and sorority girls drunker and dumber than him. all that really mattered for a one-night stand was how good they looked, anyways, and billi, well.

solid 9/10, on the physical appearance scale.

throwing back her last drink, mcflurry's reddening face gave billi a smirk, before putting a hand on billi's knee, leaning closer, just enough that her cleavage showed.

"i'd mclove it."

the drinks were paid for, the club was deserted, there was a taxi ride, and all anyone could hear when the hotel doors closed was midsummer madness.
● hot and spicy

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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October 13
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Britney Remix [BINGO/C]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 19:55:17 GMT
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